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Jeremy Cheung

Freelance Photographer

Jeremy Cheung,香港自由攝影師,作品主題大多環繞城市、街拍和建築,亦為不同品牌和機構擔任商業及活動攝影工作。他熱衷紀錄城市裡發生的大小故事與日常點滴,作品常以對比為軸──例如抽象與寫實、簡約與複雜、對稱與缺陷美,並注入氛圍、幾何及文字符號等的元素。在他的鏡頭下,照片時而真實細緻、時而詩情畫意、時而諷刺諧趣,刻畫了人們在大環境下五味雜陳的生活。

Jeremy自2018年起,舉辦了五次個人攝影展,包括「峽城浮生──都市峽谷下的香港日常」(2018)、「若夢」(2020)、「iinn ssiittuu」(2020) 以及夥拍「香港國際攝影節衛星展覽」的「路邊的哲學家」(2018) 與「三秒頃城」(2020)。Jeremy過去數年亦多次參與聯合攝影展,包括 "Hong Kong Contrasts" (2021)、「叮點生活攝影展(香港電車)」(2019)、“Up/Down: Hillside Hong Kong” (2018) 及 “Hong Kong: Hopes & Fears” (2017) 。

Jeremy的相片「井底之光」(“Light it Well”) 在「2017年國家地理會德豐青年攝影大賽」中獲得手機組的第三名,他亦活躍於社交分享平台 Instagram,賬號@rambler15 已累積超過7萬人追蹤。Jeremy近年應不同機構邀請作本地攝影團導師(如:香港設計中心、國家地理雜誌),曾為香港 Apple Store、Leica Camera HK、誠品書店、香港科技大學及香港綠色建築議會等機構作客席演講,亦先後接受香港蘋果日報、Milk Magazine、HK Tatler及Zolima HK訪問。2016年部分作品與各國攝影師同被收錄在一本攝影集「InstaGrammer: City」 ;關於香港的作品亦收錄在2018年【就係香港 Being Hong Kong Magazine】中;2020年連同美國Trope出版社推出一本關於香港的相片合輯【Hong Kong】。

Jeremy近年開始與多個品牌或團體合作,包括佳能香港、萊卡香港、香港房屋協會、電車公司、港鐵公司、RedBull HK、西九文化區、Cartier、Chanel、MINI Living、香港旅遊發展局及德國旅遊發展局等。

Jeremy Cheung is a Hong Kong-based freelance urban, event and architectural photographer. He is fond of capturing candid unrehearsed moments and urban stories with an attention to mood, geometry and typography. His works are often described as fusions between abstraction vs. reality, minimalism vs. complexity, as well as symmetry vs. imperfection. With Jeremy’s unique perspectives, the stories of living in big cities like Hong Kong are presented in a mixed bag including authenticity, subtlety, poetry or sometimes humour.


With currently more than 85,000 followers on Instagram (@rambler15), Jeremy has been invited as a guest speaker in Apple Store HK, Leica Camera HK, Eslite Bookstore, HKUST & HK Open University in the past few years. He has won the 3rd prize of the National Geographic HK Youth Photo Competition 2017 (Mobile Photography) with the work “Light it Well”. Some of his photos are published in an international photo book "Insta Grammar: City" (2016), as well as in "Being Hong Kong" magazine (2018) and "Hong Kong" (2020) by Trope Publishing. Jeremy has been featured in media such as AppleDailyHK, Milk Magazine, HK Tatler & Zolima HK. Photographic collaboration with commercial brands/organizations include CanonHK, Leica Camera, HK Housing Society, HK Tramways, MTRC, Chanel, RedBull HK, National Geographic, West Kowloon Cultural District, BMW, Cartier, MINI, Mido Watches,, HK Design Centre & HK Tourism Board.


Jeremy had 5 solo exhibitions since 2018: "Life between Urban Canyons" (2018), "Hong Kong Dejavu" (2020), "iinn ssiittuu" (2020), as well as "SplitSecondCity" (2020) and "Philosophers on the Streets" (2018) *partnering with HK International Photography Festival. Joint photo exhibitions in the past years include "Hong Kong Contrasts" (2021) with Bamboo Scenes Gallery, “Up//Down: Hillside HK” (Apr, 2018) and “Hong Kong: Hopes & Fears” (Feb-Apr, 2017).

_ Awards _

【2017國家地理會德豐青年攝影大賽】作品「井底之光 Light it Well」:「手機組」季軍

National Geographic HK Youth Photo Competition “3rd Place in Mobile Photography Category"


“Decoding/Encoding 852” : 20 finalists of the 3rd Hong Kong Photo Book Awards (2014)

“HK Density” : shortlisted as the World’s Top 20 Finalists in the Architecture Category, EyeEm Awards 2017

_ Brand Collaborations _


* Hong Kong Tourism Board

* National Geographic

* Red Bull HK

* Canon HK

* Leica Camera HK

* Hong Kong Design Centre

* Hong Kong Housing Society




* West Kowloon Cultural District


* MINI Living


* Loro Piana

* Issey Miyaki

* MIDO watches


* The LINK

* iDiscoverApp HK

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